My new printer came. So I've been playing with it when I've had a chance the last couple of days. Serious playing. First, I figured out how to print greeting cards on it. Then I worked on the proper settings to print out 12x12 scrapbooking pages, and started going through the thousands of tiling backgrounds I've made to find ones that print out well. So I'm now at the point where I could start doing what I came to Etsy to do in the first place: sell paper goods of my own design. (In fact, the link to Etsy in my bookmarks is in the "paper and cards" file.) Since printables aren't one-of-a-kind, like my rosaries, I can even try selling them on more than one site.
So, does that mean I won't be making rosaries anymore? No, I'm working on one right now. But it does mean that I won't be making as many rosaries as fast. Since I now stand at 130 items in my shop, building inventory isn't as big a drive as it used to be. This is true even though a half-dozen of those items are destash (supplies I bought that I've decided I'm not going to use), and what's left in the Christmas in July/August Sale section will be going out of the shop at the end of August to be remade into new things.
Some destash:
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